From the dust of Clinton Avenue, the Father Tracy Advocacy Center was born.
The Center serves a diverse population, in part by providing free bagged lunches and water to the homeless and transient population in the area, maintaining a clothing bank, and utilizing the strength of existing services to meet the local population needs. Importantly, FTAC utilizes our location in the epicenter of the region’s opioid epidemic to connect individuals who are ready to start recovery to the appropriate services. The present and future of the Center is to provide a space for community members and service provides alike to create change on La Avenida and the social condition of what happens here.
Our people need an advocate. Someone to believe in them consistently enough to help get them over the hump. Due to their lack of income, chronic homelessness and/or a lack of access to the resources necessary to start and maintain a healthy lifestyle, our target population faces challenges in establishing the stability required to form the healthy habits required to combat their substance abuse, mental health challenges or basic daily care, such as needed medications, cleanliness or nutrition. With a lack of support in their surrounding environment (family, friends, community, or agencies), this population faces a lack of education to begin or maintain health in all facets. The Monroe County Heroin Task Force say that since the beginning of 2019 through the end of July 2019, there have been over 480 overdoses in Monroe County, 75 of them fatal. The reality is many of these individuals likely purchased from the area of La Avenida.
Our target population faces a high risk of overdose due to their heroin use as well as higher risks of infection or abscesses due to IV drug use as it is the preferred method for taking heroin. These individuals are dehumanized by society and suffer from low health literacy or the inability to establish a healthy lifestyle due to their poverty and choices. Many are unable to begin a healthy lifestyle as they come from broken families who suffer from multi-generational substance abuse, incarceration or co-occurring disorders such as mental health, high blood pressure, diabetes, hepatitis C and illicit drug addiction, all of which is left untreated or not addressed by services provided by the government or agencies. Unresolved, this issue ultimately could result in death. By addressing the sale and use of opioids on La Avenida, as well as the underlying causes and co-occurring issues that come with addiction, FTAC seeks to improve physical, mental, and community health on La Avenida.
Our namesake, Father Laurence Tracy
Father Laurence Tracy's legacy began on June 4, 1966; the day he was ordained. In 1967, Father Tracy was sent to Puerto Rico for a language-immersion program. Father Tracy was a founding member of Ibero-American Action League, El Instituto de Pastoral Hispano, and the Rochester City School District's bilingual council.
Father Laurence Tracy was a pillar in the Greater Rochester Community for decades. Known as the "Barrio Priest," Father Tracy long had the vision of serving those struggling with life, including addiction. The message to those struggling with addiction has always been, "we love you, but not what you are doing" in this neighborhood and as an advocate Father Tracy worked to get people connected to treatment services. The Father Tracy Advocacy Center (FTAC) at 821 North Clinton Avenue (an area known as La Avenida) is an extension of Father Tracy's vision for service
“Dear Friend and Compatriot Rudy,
As we formally begin an exciting venture I want to share with you something I have told others. I trust you with the leadership of this valuable important resource for our people's health and wellbeing.
I trust you because you are intelligent, competent and above all committed to the future of something that long needed by our community. You are honest and selfless in your leadership and not easily turned back by unforeseen difficulties or criticism.
If there ever was a time when you did not enjoy such leadership qualities, you need not defend yourself now.
That's why I want you to know of my support now and my readiness to defend you, if needed. There is no need for you to waste time and energy defend yourself or our venture. The record of your work will speak for itself. Radio Bochince will always find meteoroid to tear down good and important work like what we are undertaking.
May God Bless you and all those who believe and work for our cause. Que Dios nos acompañe.
Padre Tracy "
photo courtesy of the Democrat and Chronicle